lunes, 7 de mayo de 2018


“Acrosport or Acrobatic Gymnastic is an acrobatic sport practiced with a partner or with a group. The exercises must include a harmonious combination of choreography, collective acrobatic elements (buildings) and individual acrobatic elements (floor acrobatic series), all in perfect synchronization with partners and music”.
Three main elements in Acrosport:
¡ Buildings: strength, flexibility and balance are needed to make buildings.

Ø Figures: each partner has a part of their body leaned on the floor.
Ø Pyramids: this structure always includes at least two levels.

¡ Acrobatics: they are used as a transition from one building to another. They include gymnastic elements such as turns, somersaults, handstands, cartwheel, jumps, …

¡ Music: it is a basic element for the performance. It enhances the choreography.



2.1. THE BASE:
§ It is a stable, static or dynamic base on pyramids buildings.
§ Its main features are strength, stability and balance.
§ The base must provide trust to his partners.

2.2. THE TOP:

§ It is thinner and smaller than the base.
§ Its main features are flexibility, balance and agility.
§ It must be courageous and he must trust its partners.
§ It is on the top of the pyramids with a balanced or strength position.

2.3. THE HELPER: its job is to help to build the pyramid. It provides security and confidence to his partners. Finally it must be included in the building. It helps:

- Avoiding accidents.
-  Decreasing anxiety.
-  Giving confidence and collaborating with partners.

There are three phases:

§ We must begin from the center to the sides. This type of construction provides us fluency and security.
§ Communication among partners is very important.
§ Tops must climb carefully. They must try to avoid pushes that could unbalance the bases.

3.2. STABILIZATION: once the team has built the pyramid it should keep the structure during three seconds. It depends on:

§ Correct distribution.
§ Position control.

3.3. ENDING:

§ It must always be done in the construction opposite order, from the sides to the center.
§ Top must always get off the pyramid through de front side, never through the back side. 
Click on the image to see more examples of pyramids

-  Always keep your back straight. Don’t bend your back and keep the muscles tone tense.
-  Don’t support on the mid back of your mate. When you go up on a classmate, you have to do it on the areas of the shoulders or hips, because you could hurt your classmate's back.  Everything must be done without jumping.
-  Use your legs to raise your mate’s weight. Don’t force and bend your back.
-   Don’t move until the top has climbed down the structure. The pyramid must be undone from top to bottom.

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